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來源:http://qihaobiandang.cn/ 瀏覽:0發表時間:2022-05-13
I believe we have known about the elevator door pocket to some extent. After all, office workers will contact the elevator in their daily life, but we may not know that the elevator door pocket will also be divided into door pocket and small door pocket, which shows that there are some differences in their use. We will understand the detailed differences from the following contents.
1. Small door pocket
There are two kinds of small door pocket: one refers to the door frame used to determine the opening position of the elevator and fix the elevator door during the installation of the elevator. The elevator door frame is generally made of stainless steel, which is part of elevator accessories.
The other is to decorate the door pocket outside the elevator, that is, the traditional elevator door pocket. The traditional small door pocket is installed to cover the gap between the elevator car and the outer wall and to decorate the elevator room. Generally, it is also made of stainless steel.
2. Elevator door cover is a new type of door cover for elevator decoration.
This kind of gate cover has various materials, not only stainless steel, but also some stone like materials; Including zinc steel integrated door pocket, stone plastic door pocket and so on. On the one hand, the gate cover can decorate the elevator, and on the other hand, it can make up for the problems left in the process of civil construction; For example, if the distance between the wall and the small door frame of the elevator is large, it needs to be decorated with the door cover.
To sum up, the elevator door cover and small door cover are mainly different in material selection and function. In addition, the small door cover is divided into door frame and door cover due to different functions. I hope you can understand that in the subsequent purchase process, you can correctly select appropriate products according to your own needs.
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The wonderful contents of this article are provided by the elevator door pocket manufacturer. There are many wonderful contents on this website. You can click to enter more contents: http://qihaobiandang.cn We have special customer service to answer your questions